Thursday, December 24, 2009


Of course I have to post something about Christmas. As you exchange gifts and spend time with one another take time to reflect upon God's gifts to you. What has he given to you this year? You are insanely blessed by God. I hear stories from time to time about kids in Africa who praise God dancing and clapping, but what is even crazier to think about is that most of these people have lost their families, don't have a penny to their name, and yet they praise God because they have life and more importantly salvation in Christ. I don't know about you but when I hear about this I really start to see how incredibly self absorbed I am. If my day goes badly I don't feel like praising God. That's why I am doing this 100 hearts of hope thing, because the way I see it God gave me a talent in crochet and if I don't invest it what am I doing here? I encourage you to look at what you are good at and use it to glorify God. I did not think there was any way that I could possibly glorify God with crochet but there is always a way. Some interesting things about these hearts I'm making are that they each have 3 equal parts (triune God) and each part has 12 major stiches which if you know the Bible at all, 12 is all over it (12 tribes of Israel, 12 disciples, 12 apostles, 12 churches in Asia which is mentioned in Revelation).

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