Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Christmas season

Of course it is the Christmas season, does not take rocket science to understand this. However, today in Bible class we were talking about the advent conspiracy, which is basically about spending less on ourselves for Christmas or on gifts others simply don't want and spending the money you would have spent on the gifts to do something meaningful for the less fortunate in other countries. The first thing I thought of was that instead of buying even one gift I am going to crochet or knit each gift for friends and family. I intend to use any money I receive for Christmas to go toward the rest of the amount I owe for my upcoming mission trip to Vancouver in February, the remaining money will be discussed later. If anyone asks me what I want for Christmas I will answer them in such a way where they either spend a minimum amount on me or nothing at all and spend the money on someone who actually needs it. Today as I was driving home from school I heard something on the radio about this kid who is only 15 now and has for the past 7 years been raising money for kids orphaned by AIDS in Zambia because the Bible says in James that true religion is visiting orphans and widows. What if I managed to get my school to do something similar to that? What if 800 people (give or take a few) teamed up and sent money, that might have been spent on a useless gift, to people who may never get a gift or else may just be waiting to die? What about you? How much money do you spend on average on gifts? If I make everyone's gifts this year I will spend approximately $25 total and a few hours doing what I love to do. I challenge you to open your heart not to those who can return the favor but to those who cannot return the favor. Maybe even do it anonymously so that no one but you and God knows about it. Change the world around you by going against what culture says.

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