Thursday, December 10, 2009

A saved life.

I went and saw To Save a Life in a prescreening at my school. It was probably one of the best movies I have ever seen. Of course I did relate to most of it with the cutting and the suicide (clearly I have never commit suicide). During the movie I just got a strong feeling about starting a revolution at my already Christian school. On the way home I was praying and asking God, why me? I'm not exactly popular at my school actually I'm not popular at all and my school is already Christian. So, God, why would you pick an unpopular senior to start a revolution at a place that is already Christian? Then my thoughts started drifting over to Christ and the apostles, etc.... Christ was not exactly the most popular guy in Jerusalem, the apostles not exactly the most educated influential people you had ever met, the letters in the New Testament went out to impact communities that were already Christian, Christ came to earth in a place and time where the majority of people were Jewish, starting to see something? Why were the people God worked through in the New Testaments such huge impacts despite their circumstances? I laugh at myself sometimes because some of the things I question God on are so incredibly easy to see. So obviously I have some stuff I need to get started on because I have 6 months (give or take) in which to accomplish this.

I also thought the movie was awesome because what the main character did in befriending a loner although not exact reminded me of two things, first what Christ did for us, and second a year and a half ago I was suicidal and it was one of my closest friends who (through Christ) helped me back to Him.


  1. Love your passion and enthusiasm! I'm right there with you...a revolution within our school needs to take place! Be in prayer as I will also to see how God wants to wreck ourselves and our school with the Gospel!

  2. im way open to ideas. i have a feww things that should start something, but the major issue is with me. HELP ME!!
