Tuesday, November 17, 2009

True friends

You know this is a great way to see who your true friends are. Well now I know. Thanks to you who got the joke and laughed, rather than saying that I am a jerk.

Monday, November 16, 2009

The right way?

There is a class where it is insanely easy to cheat on homework. Well it comes back to bite you come test day. In the past I regrettably made study sheets which helped me then I would iChat them on to others. This is truly messed up I have been complaining about the number of kids who cheat on their homework and make reasonably good grades in the class. The only problem with all of this is that I have been helping them out in the process of their cheating. Tonight I have undoubtably made some enemies.
On the study sheet I put the following:

I will let you in on my secret to beasting worldview tests

  • Do homework honestly (better late than never)
  • Actually read the section and highlight.
  • Look over the video notes we watched
  • Good luck J

Now I am aware that if I was horribly preoccupied with being in everyone's good graces this was an incredibly stupid move. The problem is that I could not live with myself if I continued to "help" them in this way. I need to apologize to everyone that I "helped" for teaching them that it is ok to be lazy. Oh well lessons are never easy and I have a feeling that there will be a lot of failures tomorrow on the test.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Family time

This weekend I went out to visit my grandpa in Texas. It made me sad to see how much animosity there was between my dad and my grandpa. Now let me give you a little background info on my dad and his parents. My grandma really wanted to have a child, but she miscarried, eight times. When my dad finally came around she babied him, which made my grandpa think less of him (long complicated story). Anyways my grandpa never really had an education past the eighth grade and a whole lot of other stuff to go along with my dad's extreme displeasure in my grandpa. My dad and grandpa do not get along really at all. Both are stubborn. This makes me sad because in seeing this I got one of those great moments where it turns back on yourself. I realized that I really had this bitterness in my heart towards my dad and I had not forgiven him. I started thinking about it more and more and I realized that when my dad is a 90 something I do not want to have the same problems that he has with his dad. So thats the topic for tonight. Forgiveness.
Forgiving someone for something is not exactly easy to do, but God calls us to forgive as he forgave.

Monday, November 9, 2009

A few of my favorite things

I absolutely LOVE walking down to the Las Vegas Wash it is a little more than a mile but so worth it when you get there. I went down there after school today. Kind of tired but desperately in need of the sound of rushing water. by the time I got down there I was just ready to see it. The wash is one of my favorites because it is quite beautiful and exceedingly relaxing. When I got there I noticed something, the water that rushes over the rocks has an awfully strong current. I sat down and just stared at it. Suddenly the thought occurred to me that I serve the God who made that. "You may be thinking wow.... really you just figured that out" but you have to understand... I'm blonde. I have tried to take pictures and videos to capture it, and every single one does not actually represent it well. It is cool to see that I serve an artistic God

I am in the process of working on a Bible study of sorts to post on here

Friday, November 6, 2009

Full Moon

The full moon recently got me thinking about Christianity.
-What does Christian mean? It means to be Christ-like, Christ person, or little Christ.
-How does the world see Christians? Often as hypocrites, but with a few admirable.
-What makes those admirable few stand out? They are those who reflect Christ the most.

Of course by now you may be thinking, "What does this have to do with a full moon?" Christ was called the 'light of the world'. The moon particularly a full moon really lights up the night. I could read outside in the light. We, as Christians, are to reflect the Son of God, like the moon reflects the sun. The people of the world are often considered dark, but is it possible that we are not properly reflecting the Son? When a Christian stands out it is because they are reflecting the Son like a full moon fully reflects the sun. Christians, why is the world 'in the dark' why can't they see the light? It is because so many Christians are not reflecting Christ. Just one last tidbit, moons revolve around planets, we should be revolving around Christ and not losing course.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Sometimes you gotta say God is pretty flippin' awesome

Seriously I am amazed that God could and would do something like this. In the middle of September God called me back to my parents church, now seriously if I could have made a list of things I did not want to do that would have ranked in the top 5. Rather grudgingly I went back, but I joined choir to "ease the pain". However it was really cool how I was immediately accepted in a group of 7 people, might not seem like much, but they are all 6 or more years older than me, but its the highlight of my week.

Now I am seriously stoked about what God is about to do. Let me explain a little about my senior project and what that is. First you must understand that a senior project is something one or two seniors work on throughout the year for an absolute minimum of 24 hours total. I elected to make fleece blankets (at the recommendation of a teacher) for St. Jude's. However I was sort of bummed that there was not another senior who was willing to do this with me. That is until another teacher suggested that I get the youth group involved at my school (which is also a church). I decided to go further and get the youth at my church involved and I am busy setting up a few things to get another 2 youth groups involved.


PS: I will post progress on my project