Monday, November 9, 2009

A few of my favorite things

I absolutely LOVE walking down to the Las Vegas Wash it is a little more than a mile but so worth it when you get there. I went down there after school today. Kind of tired but desperately in need of the sound of rushing water. by the time I got down there I was just ready to see it. The wash is one of my favorites because it is quite beautiful and exceedingly relaxing. When I got there I noticed something, the water that rushes over the rocks has an awfully strong current. I sat down and just stared at it. Suddenly the thought occurred to me that I serve the God who made that. "You may be thinking wow.... really you just figured that out" but you have to understand... I'm blonde. I have tried to take pictures and videos to capture it, and every single one does not actually represent it well. It is cool to see that I serve an artistic God

I am in the process of working on a Bible study of sorts to post on here

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