Sunday, October 18, 2009

Why am I here?

Before I get carried away with this blog, I would simply like to thank you for checking this out. I hope you enjoy it and feel free to comment, however, if they turn vicious or simply hateful it will not be as free.

Why am I here? Such simple words, yet they ignite doubts of a person's worldview if in fact they do not have an answer. Do you have an answer? One of the greatest things of my belief in God is that I can answer that question. Each day it seems I get another piece of the puzzle of this life. You can say what you want against me, but one thing is certain, God answers my toughest questions yet there is still so much I do not understand about him because He is God and I am not. Think about that. I know that no matter where I find myself I have a purpose in life, and that purpose is to serve an almighty, loving God. Think before you comment

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