Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Teen Pop sensation Miley Cyrus

Apparently there is the huge thing about Miley Cyrus having a role in the new Sex and the City movie. The headline I read said, "Is Miley to young for Sex?" According to the current culture sex is ok as long as you really love someone. Are you aware that at abortion clinics (not all) a teen girl can get an abortion without parental consent. To put in a little more modern, a girl can get knocked up and the parents do not have to know about that. I saw a quote, I have no idea who said it but it went something like, "the older generation says that the younger generation is to screwed up, but who raised the younger generation." If the culture says it is ok to have sex before marriage as long as "you really love them" no matter what age then the media cannot bad mouth Miley for promoting something they have been pushing for years. Do I think she is right? NO! However the media is not right to bad mouth her at all for promoting something they have been saying is ok. Did this annoy anyone else? I have choir so before I get to obsessed I had better go. Thanks for reading.

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