Saturday, May 15, 2010


I need to know this is semi new for me. Has anyone else been quieted for saying something about Christ? At work I was having a jolly good time working the grill and talking with my coworkers which is fine as long as we stay busy. About two weeks ago I was conversing with my coworker who asked about some things in Christianity. I started talking and my boss told me to leave Christ out of McDonalds. I like to work lobby when I am tired because it requires little to no thought, but on a normal day I really don't mind the grill or fryer or whatever because I am something close to conscious. At first the thing with my manager didn't seem like much, but as of late I have discovered that I am working lobby almost everyday, while I dont mind much, I wonder if there is a reason behind it. After all only one person works lobby at a time and there is little to no chance to come in contact with my coworkers. Furthermore, I figured that Christ was not spoken of because it might 'offend' someone, but my coworkers can speak with freedom about drugs, alcohol, sex, and who they screwed over recently with language filthier than the bathrooms I had to clean. Of course when I say something they say either I am being intolerant or else attribute it solely to "religion".

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